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Cryptomathic File2File

Easy-to-use encryption solution File2File


"File2File easy-to-use encryption solution" is
dovnload.co.uk Editor: File2File exchange between colleagues, as well as users of data for secure storage solution that is easy to use encryption, partners, customers or personal relationships. The basic, but effective, just launched by a password authentication based on shared by all parties, File2File is the perfect ad-hoc solution is independent of any specific security infrastructure.

Cryptomathic File2File Features

Intuitive and simple password protection
strong encryption and file and directory trees
decoding for decoding the executable with a simple distribution
AES encryption algorithm is
disk encryption, hard disk and then deletes the original cache <br> e-mail
A shared network, CD-ROM drive, and now I can download free Cryptomathic File2File 3.0 can be used alone send secure files.

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